Please refer to our FAQ page where most frequently asked questions are answered. If you need help with site or project related issues feel free to contact us via the methods on this page.

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Contact NFTMiniGames


Contact Information

You can reach us by post at

Tunøvej 11
Sjaelland, 3550 Denmark


hit up LokeHansen via LokeHansen Discord

Is NFTMiniGames free?
Use of the website is completely free. No payment in the form of FIAT or crypto is required to use our website or service.

Can I get NFTs for free by using NFTMiniGames?

NFTMiniGames reward site users for their activity, by awarding a virtual currency called Score for certain actions such as playing games. This virtual currency can be used in our Store to claim NFT items without any other cost.

How do I obtain NFTs with NFTMiniGames?
You obtain NFTs from NFTMiniGames by claiming them from our Store at the cost of a dynamic Score value. Some NFTs are also awarded at the completion of certain games. Once an NFT is claimed or awarded, a claim link for the Atomic Hub marketplace will be shown (and listed in your account area) that can be used to claim the NFT to your wax wallet.

What wallets do you support?
By initial design, NFTMiniGames support Wax cloud wallet.

What are the requirements for claiming NFTs?
In order to claim an NFT from our store, you must have enough virtual Score currency to claim it. You must also have a wax cloud wallet and be able to use the Atomic Hub marketplace.

Do I need crypto-currency for NFTMiniGames?
We do not charge users of the website anything via our website platform. Should you wish to purchase NFTs or else from us via a secondary marketplace, the rules and currencies of such platforms determine what you need.

Are my NFTs safe?
Yes, we have no access to your NFT assets what so ever!
Unlike many other popular NFT Gaming platforms, NFTMiniGames do not at any point request ownership of your NFT assets. NFTMiniGames works based on the NFTs in your Wax cloud wallet exclusively!

Will I become rich from using NFTMiniGames?
That is highly unlikely!

Can i return NFTs I claimed?
NFTs claimed cannot be returned or traded back for score or other NFTs via the NFTMiniGames platform.
Once claimed, the NFT will reside in your wax cloud wallet. From here you can chose to trade it with others, send it to others and even burn it!

How can I get help?
For general use-case questions we refer to the F.A.Q (this page) that will be updated over time.
For technical issues related to crypto currrencies, nfts and wallets we refer to the respective platform owners.

For NFTMiniGames website or platform related issues feel free to each us by post at

Tunøvej 11
Sjaelland, 3550 Denmark


hit up LokeHansen via LokeHansen Discord