Due to API limitations, no more than 1,000 NFTs can be fetched from AtomicHub at a time. The most recently transferred NFTs are the ones fetched by NFTMiniGames.com!

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NFTMiniGames support NFTs from different collections, brands and authors. Right now, playable characters are divided into the following categories: PixilMini | TAOFEWA.

If you have experienced characters assigned as Mentors, you earn Mentor Experience that can be assigned to your characters from the Mentor Area

It may happen, that the NFTMiniGames.com database has different NFTs registered for your account, than the ones actually owned in your blockchain wallet. You can use the features below to scan your wallet, and should you want to, update the NFTMiniGames.com database with new data.
Note: that NFTs will ONLY be removed from your NFTMiniGames.com account data, if you use the "Clear Database Entries" button!

The update process may be slow, as it confirms each NFT individually, please have patience when using the feature!
Based on the last NFT scan, your account had :
TAOFEWA Characters:
Halloween Characters:
Winter Characters:
Check Atomic Hub DataUpdate Database

Flying Bastion PixilMinis:
Check Atomic Hub DataUpdate Database

Looking to spring clean? Clear Database Entries